Starts July 8th Thurs 10:30 AM (Free!)
Energy Meditation
Boost Your Vitality and Mood in Bolton!
Relax and be guided into revitalization through this simple yet
dynamic sitting meditation that differs from other styles in its
focus on health enhancement as well as emotional and spiritual
wellbeing. Bring a pillow and blanket to sit/lie down, or use
a library chair. No prior meditation experience is necessary.
Those of all religious/spiritual affiliations (or none) are welcome.
Adults of all ages & health conditions can benefit from this series.
Attendance is free: Take all five sessions or just drop in as you wish!
Instructor Robin Bonazzoli, M.Ac., Lic.Ac., MQP
Robin is a native resident of Bolton. She received the practices she will be teaching through renowned Chinese qigong Master Jun Feng Li. Robin has 27 years of experience in energetic, martial, and meditative health & longevity arts, including 11 years of training in the Far East.
Venue/Sponsor: Bolton Public Library Programs Room 738 Main Street
Dates: July 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, August 12th Time: 10:30-11:30 am
Inquiries: Call Robin at 978-618-3450,